Saturday, August 29, 2009

Free PayPal

So it sounds too good to be true right? Well I am about to reveal to you a site that gives you Free PayPal, without hardly any effort. The site is called FusionCash. Here I will explain exactly what you have to do in order to get Free PayPal. Amazingly it will only take less than an hour of your time if you do it right:

1. Signing Up

First you need to join FusionCash, luckily the site gives you a $5 sign-up bonus. However, you must be 18 and live in the U.S. to join this site. If you don't live in the U.S. or you want to try another site please visit my site for an international site:
I also suggest that you create another email account, although this site will not spam you with emails the third party sites that FusionCash deals with will. Personally I like's email service. But you can also use yahoo, gmail, or any other email host you know of. Now you have to sign up. Just click the Sign Up Picture below:

Free Money at FusionCash!

2. Confirming your account

In order to get your Free PayPal you will have to confirm at least two things about your account. You have to verify your email address and your phone number. To confirm these two things, click on the Account tab at the top of the FusionCash site. Next, find the Verification section on the left hand side. Click on whichever steps need to be done to verify.

3. Earning the money

Okay so you probably could've guessed that this would require some work. Afterall, nobody can afford to give out $25 to everybody who wants it. The next step in order to get your Free PayPal is offers. These offers are what give you those nasty spam emails i was talking about earlier. Don't worry though, because they can't do anything. Just hopelessly send you emails to an email account you don't check. So go and complete offers and earn that cash. It's that simple.

4. Getting your money

Okay so you have done some offers, you need at least $25 to cash out. Once you made $25 from offers you can cashout. There are several places to cashout. I usually click the link below the list of offers you've completed. Here's some inportant info/tips on cashing out:
When you cash out they will send your payment the 20th of the next month( i.e if you cashout on August 15 they will pay you on September 20th). With that said, I suggest you wait and keep doing offers until the last day of the month. That way you can earn as much cash as possible. You also make your wait time much less.

Well thats just about it. Just follow those steps and that site will give you Free PayPal cash in no time. Please email me at for help. I am there to help.

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